Jesus’ Last Words
Speaker: Pastor Douglas Thieu | April 23, 2017
in Church
Peace Be With You
Speaker: Pastor Ted Kang | April 16, 2017
in Church
The Foolishness Of God
Speaker: Pastor Ted Kang | April 09, 2017
in Church
Back To The Beginning: The Tale Of Two Family Lines
Speaker: Pastor Ted Kang | March 26, 2017
The Prodigal Father
Speaker: Pastor Ted Kang | October 09, 2016
This is the second part of our study of Luke 15:11-32. The word prodigal means ‘recklessly and wastefully and extravagant’. And it has been used rightfully to describe the younger son who went and squandered the...
Why A New Church?
Speaker: Pastor Ted Kang | September 18, 2016
How did New Vine come about? Why do we need another church when there are so many around us already? What will New Vine look like in the coming days? These are the questions people...